In this paper, we challenge the estimation of contact forces backed with ground-truth sensing in human whole-body interaction with the environment, from motion capture only. Our novel method makes it possible to get rid of cumbersome force sensors in monitoring multi-contact motion together with force data. This problem is very...
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Capturing and reproducing hand-object interactions through vision-based force sensing
T.-H. Pham, A. Kheddar, A. Qammaz, A. A. Argyros, IEEE ICCV Workshop on Object Understanding for Interaction (OUI), 2015
Capturing and reproducing hand-objects interactions would open considerable possibilities in computer vision, human-computer interfaces, robotics, animation and rehabilitation. Recently, we witnessed impressive vision-based hand tracking solutions that can potentially be used for such purposes. Yet, a challenging question is: to what extent can vision also capture haptic interactions? These induce...
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Towards force sensing from vision - observing hand-object interactions to infer manipulation forces
T.-H. Pham, A. Kheddar, A. Qammaz, A. A. Argyros, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2015
We present a novel, non-intrusive approach for estimating contact forces during hand-object interactions relying solely on visual input provided by a single RGB-D camera. We consider a manipulated object with known geometrical and physical properties. First, we rely on model-based visual tracking to estimate the object’s pose together with that...
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